and while I'm not really in the party mood, as hostess I kind of
have to show up, don't I? Today is the big reveal day (well, weekend, starting today) for the second
What's Cookin' apron swap and I have to say, I am pleased as punch about the fabulous apron that I got! Check it out:

the theme was "holiday hostess" -- a party/hostess apron with either a holiday (of the recipient's choosing) or winter theme.
Debi drew my name and obviously went with the winter theme. And seriously, those fabrics look like I chose them myself! Vintage-y blues and yellows to go with my kitchen, a cool mid-century asterisk pattern on the yellow and snowflakes (and I
love snowflakes) on the overlay. Here's a closeup of the pocket so you can see the fabrics better:

That pocket detail makes me think this may have been made from a vintage pattern, or is inspired by a vintage apron. But I'm just guessing here. Debi also sent me matching recipe cards with 2 great-looking holiday recipes, and a little ornament which was immediately stolen from me by a little baby! So all-in-all, fabulous guesswork and/or research by Debi to make an apron that I seriously might have made myself. I mean, it's scary how totally "me" it is. Thanks, Debi!!
As for the apron that
I made...I'll post about that as soon as I know it's been safely received!