Monday, April 9, 2012

patterns of horror!

On Pinterest I keep reference boards of my favorite vintage patterns I've found -- for women, and for girls. These are patterns I don't own that I want to look at again and Pinterest seems to be the best way to organize them - I can see them as much as I want, I can tag them, organize them, print them and share them.

But when I am looking at vintage patterns, I very often find patterns that are.....amazing. Exceptional. Perhaps even....terrifying. I don't want to save them to Pinterest, because I don't want to ever see them again! But I always want to share the awfulness. And now I can -- I've started a tumblr just so I can save and share.... Patterns...Of...Horror!! Come on over and share the madness!


  1. oh my goodness, those hands are out of control! WTF?!

  2. I went, I saw, I laughed!
    And I recognized some of those...


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