Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Hope you're all having a wonderful solstice/Xmas/Krismas/Hannukah/Christmas/Kwanzaa/whatever and New Year's this year! Our decorations are (almost) all up, our stockings are stuffed, our presents are wrapped (well, except that one that Evan hid so well I have no idea where it is!) and we will soon be off to pick up our annual yummy Xmas Cake. Holiday tunes are downloaded to the car, featuring our house's favorite holiday single of 2010:

From us to all of you --
Happy holidays!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you guys have a good one. That's not what I expected when you said xmas cake. The english one is full of raisins and has marzipan and fondant.
    Yours actually sounds a lot better.


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