So somehow we once again took almost no photos! But we've got a few, starting with this one from somewhere on US-85, probably in NC. Pulled off to get gas and establishment...was across the street. There was no sign to indicate what this place was. All we know for sure is they have an ALL GIRL STAFF!
All Girl Staff. |
We got in late Thursday and didn't do anything, but Friday we got up and had our table set up in plenty of time. We had a great day -- probably the best of the whole weekend, weirdly enough. To add to the greatness, our tables were adjacent to our Haus of Cute pals,
Stephanie Buscema and
Rob Harrigan so we got to chat with them on and off all weekend. And best of all, our BFFs
Vivien and Dusty Hoffpauir arrived that afternoon to help us out all weekend (ha! didn't know you were doing that, did you?!) and join in on the fun. For dinner, Dusty found us the amazing
King's Kitchen, where I can totally recommend any of the "Meat and Three" plates but have to warn you that you should plan on splitting dessert if you don't want to go into sugar shock.
After dinner we headed back to the hotel and Evan headed off to the annual
Drink & Draw fundraiser:
Saturday was the big day at the con, the whole Stan Lee shebang was going on all day. The hall was so crowded I actually think it may have hurt people's table sales, because attendees could barely get around! Still a good day though; and Emily "cosplayed" for the very first time (pretty sure it wasn't the last!) -- she was a sort of Golden Age Wonder Woman as interpreted by the two of us.
My little Wonder Girl! |
I made it a wearable dress so that it would be reusable -- the eagle is from a
1978 Simplicity costume pattern I have, appliqued in felt onto a basic bodice with a circle skirt added. She had matching bike shorts on underneath and a set of accessories made from glitter craft foam. It was a big day for her, a good friend of hers was visiting and they had a good time running around the con. And thanks to her friend's mom (who is
my friend!) Emily got sketches on her own for the very first time! A new Owly from
Andy Runton, and a sketch of Marceline (from Adventure Time) from the very kind
Jason Horn.
Dinner Saturday was at the excellent
Diamond, which is apparently a sort of resurrection of the Penguin, which we'd been to in past years. Whatever the deal is, the menu was the same and the food was amazing. Got back to the Westin at the tail end of the art auction and ran into the amazing
Paige Pumphrey (who I met last year) and
her husband Phil -- she introduced us all to her friends
Maria Danalakis and
Fenny and fun was had by all until after midnight. Ahem. Luckily for me my kid is normally up that late.
Sunday was the "quiet day" and to be honest, at that point we'd been so busy all weekend it was beginning to all kind of blur.
I did get a chance at the very end of the show to run over to the booth Paige and her friends had -- Fenny had left but I did scoop up some awesome stuff from Paige and Maria:
Adorable pocket mirror from Maria Danalakis |
Assorted Paigey goods |
cute witch earrings from Paigey! The frames reminded me of Locket Kiddles! |
Incredibly, even though I was right next to Stephanie all weekend I never picked up any of her seriously cute stuff -- but the totes, notebooks and jewelry are up in her shop now, do yourself a favor and
check it out!
Finally the show was over and booths and tables started coming down. We've been going to Heroes for several years now and I think this was the best show yet -- Heroes is always a great con, totally focused on comics and art and the friendliest con you'll ever go to -- but this year took top honors. Even Emily did well -- she ended up selling 7 of her floral hairpin sets!!
And the official end-of con gathering was great fun as well, while I was outside hanging with the rest of the Retro Girl Gang Evan and our girl were inside having a great time too; luckily Heather Mobley Peager caught the moment on film:
Thanks again to everyone who makes HeroesCon so awesome, from the con and amongst the fans, and we'll see you next year! (And special thanks to
Heather Mobley Peager for letting me use some of her excellent con photos!)