Sunday, March 28, 2010

mini-wardrobe mini-update!

A quick status report to keep me honest:

The short-sleeved blouse: it's well underway! A tissue fit went well, a full muslin revealed that I needed a little more shaping in the waist (and to remove the shoulder pad allowance), the fabric is cut and it's proceeding nicely. I'm surprised at how little alteration I needed to do on it. I used the muslin to do a little experimenting with pattern marking and I've decided that I really hate the tracing wheel/transfer paper system. Back to tailor's tacks for me unless a better idea comes along.

The cardigan: I've gone over the pattern and figured out what I need to do differently, as my fabric is a lot thicker than the fabrics the pattern calls for. I think I'll be lining to the edge instead of facing it, and that should work. I also need to pick out my buttons! I have some on my desk I think will be perfect but I should go through them all before deciding.

The skirts I'm leaving until last because they are going to be so simple. And because I haven't got my zippers (they should be waiting in the post office box right now). And because ....I went to tissue fit my simple-to-make skirt and only then did I discover the envelope contents of two sizes had been switched! And the size I needed (not my size either, but much closer) was in the envelope that I'd just donated to Pattern Rescue!! Luckily, it arrived there safely a few days ago and they graciously popped it right back in the mail to me. It should be here Monday.

So, a few bumps in the road but I might actually pull this off by the deadline!

Finally, it may be cold but we have photographic proof that Spring is here, at least technically:

no, spring is really here

I hope it's lovely where you are, whether it's Spring or Fall!

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