Monday, March 29, 2010

mini-wardrobe lack-of-progress report + some Very Important Sewing

The good news: my skirt pattern is back with me, my zippers have arrived (along with my seam binding, which isn't the right color, so that's bad news), and my blouse is almost done.

The bad news? The blouse is making me crazy. The facings didn't seem to line up and I had to rip out a long seam I'd already trimmed and overcast to fix it; then it fit together perfectly but my wretched Rowenta iron puked rusty water all over the back. Luckily, the salt-and-vinegar method I tried got almost everything out, and a little cream of tartar seems to have finished off the last stubborn stain. It's drying now, and if it's all clear tomorrow I'll be finishing it off as soon as I pick out buttons. The further bad news -- removing the stain revealed just how transparent the fabric is if it gets the slightest bit wet. Looks like I'll be making a camisole while I'm at it.

But I can't get too upset, because I spent most of my sewing time today doing some really important sewing. Behold:

some very important sewing

And cropped out of that shot? One very excited brand-new Daisy Scout. Who needs a blouse when you can make your little girl smile like crazy?

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't it always seem when you take on a new sewing adventure, it's a total roller coaster ride? I hope things go a bit more smooth here on in!
    That is so exciting for Emily! Up here we have Girl Guides (instead of scouts) and I was looking into it the other day to see when the Bea can start up (Not for another couple years)
    I was a Guide until I was about 17! It was fantastic, I met such awesome people, and did some amazing things I probably would have never got to do ^____^


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