The bad news? The blouse is making me crazy. The facings didn't seem to line up and I had to rip out a long seam I'd already trimmed and overcast to fix it; then it fit together perfectly but my wretched Rowenta iron puked rusty water all over the back. Luckily, the salt-and-vinegar method I tried got almost everything out, and a little cream of tartar seems to have finished off the last stubborn stain. It's drying now, and if it's all clear tomorrow I'll be finishing it off as soon as I pick out buttons. The further bad news -- removing the stain revealed just how transparent the fabric is if it gets the slightest bit wet. Looks like I'll be making a camisole while I'm at it.
But I can't get too upset, because I spent most of my sewing time today doing some really important sewing. Behold:

And cropped out of that shot? One very excited brand-new Daisy Scout. Who needs a blouse when you can make your little girl smile like crazy?
Doesn't it always seem when you take on a new sewing adventure, it's a total roller coaster ride? I hope things go a bit more smooth here on in!
ReplyDeleteThat is so exciting for Emily! Up here we have Girl Guides (instead of scouts) and I was looking into it the other day to see when the Bea can start up (Not for another couple years)
I was a Guide until I was about 17! It was fantastic, I met such awesome people, and did some amazing things I probably would have never got to do ^____^