Like a lot of people I know, I bought those IKEA dala horse
DRÖMMAR pans when they came out a while back, but I never actually used them. Yesterday, I saw
this adorable stocking design on the allsorts blog, and thought "aha! I'll decorate the cakes like that! And make the red and white with red velvet cake batter and powdered sugar!" And voila, red velvet dala horses:

That's the little one, the big one is
here. He's not as cute because he baked longer and isn't so red. But still, cute xmas dala cake!
The pans really are non-stick, I was impressed. I may have to get more bakeware from IKEA in the future. The design I made by cutting a stencil from typing paper based on the allsorts dala horse, putting it right on the cake (not reusable, obviously!) and sprinkling the sugar over it. Emily looooves them, and I think they will be reappearing all this month.
I only wish they had a set of little pans to make lots of individual horses!