Saturday, January 31, 2009

eye spy...a small object

Ah, a small object -- my house is full of mini-things! I love miniature everything...although miniature is my all-time favorite. The only tough part of this eye spy was....what to choose? But Emily was rummaging through a box of my Re-Ment yesterday while I was cleaning and I spotted one of my favorite sets of all time:

small panda pans

I loved the whole animal kitchen ware series, and the panda pans were my favorite set -- so much so, that I needed a real-life version. And here, for scale, are the mini-pandas with the real one:

panda pans...real and mini

I love small things!

This week's eye spy theme brought to you by the Crafty Librarian!


  1. Love them! A coworker of mine has a kitchen filled with mini-things. She especially loves the pseudo-anthropomorphic ones with hands and feet. She'd adore these.

  2. Cutest pots and pans ever! My 4.5 year old son is sitting here saying he wants them for his birthday! Can't blame him really.

  3. These are the cutest one's I have seen so far! Love them!!!

  4. I have never seen these before! They are so cute!

  5. Wow! My love of pandas and small things in one *sigh* They are adorable!

  6. Oh My! Where did you find these? Absolutely adorable!!!

  7. thanks all! I love my pandas, real and mini. The minis are from a Re-Ment set, I actually bought the full set on ebay to get them all. The big pan came from Fred Flare. I don't think they have them anymore though! It's from Japan and probably still being made there....I want more of them!

  8. i guess that its "panda moniun"


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