Monday, January 5, 2009

popping in with some sewing!

Just popping my head up long enough to say happy new year! and to show off a little sewing I couldn't blog about before, as it was one of evan's xmas presents! This is not a good photo (I was being sneaky) but here is my first Föhr!

first fohr

Now Evan has a farbenmix garment, too!! I made this one up from some orangy-red cotton ribknit I'd bought on sale, plus orange bits and an applique cut from an Aquabats shirt that didn't fir any of us. The fit is near-perfect -- I will lengthen the sleeves on the next one a tiny bit, but this one fits fine. The pattern went together so quickly; I was able to put this together while Evan was home! (Well, if he'd been hanging out downstairs with us I couldn't have gotten away with it). We all approve!! And more Föhrs are definitely in the offing.


  1. Great color combinations. Good looking shirt.

  2. I love the shirt, cute appliqu�. I like the red too for this pale season (well, at least here it is...) :)

  3. Love it! I wonder if Adron would wear one if I got that pattern and made him a shirt...
    Awesome applique, too!!!

  4. Love it! I wonder if Adron would wear one if I got that pattern and made him a shirt...
    Awesome applique, too!!!

  5. That is one freakin' cool shirt! Love the orange and red and that applique. Evan is a lucky man, which I'm sure he knows.

  6. Nice shirt! Thanks for visiting my blog, and for the reminder about the online stock info at Ikea. We remembered about that after we got home... never again!!


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